Friday, December 23, 2005

So what's the weirdest thing you can imagine seeing when you stumble out of bed in the morning? How bout this : your entire homestay apartment torn apart, and three burly Korean men walking around with hacksaws and drillbits watching me come out of my room like the whole world had gone mad. And yes, it had. The living room piled with pretty much everything from every closet and nook and cranny, the entry-way covered in sawdust, the stove & sink & refrigerator -- completely gone. I quickly discovered breakfast was not in the cards this morning.

opening my door to find ... tools!

So I asked Kyeong-Hwan, my homestay brother, what was going on.
KH: "I don't know - father not tell me."
Me: "Is he changing something in the house?"
KH: "He make a new sink."

Well, the old one was gone, so I hoped a new one would be arriving soon. That goes for the refrigerator as well. Man, I remember when we had one of those! There was food in it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind them redoing the apartment. Just wish they had told me first. I mean, isn't this big news? My parents would have been deliberating about a doozy like that for months! This was an "Ahhh, Korea!" moment. For sure. Time to scavenge in the piles of debris for food ...

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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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