Saturday, December 31, 2005

the HAPPY NEW YEAR post !!
(and probably the last one before my trip)

Ahoy, 2006! It's here and I'm happy. :) 2005 was spectacular, and I can't wait to see what 2006 may bring ...

The homestizzles pose before we all head out to the Hyatt.

Yes that's right, I spent New Year's Eve at the Hyatt on Jeju Island. It was sort of a free dancing / singing / variety show for the community. Posh though.

The elevators, and the interior of the Hotel. It's like a donut, with a big pond and stage in a covered courtyard center. Architecturally droolworthy.

Traditional Korean ... belly dancers?

Kyeong-Hwan and Won-Hee visit the fortune teller. She told me (the kids translated) that my students would respect me next spring. Huzzah!

Happy New Year!!

As this is the first day in a New Year, it has an almost magical, glowing quality about it. 2006 sure is full of promise. In fact, I can say with confidence the following:

number of drinks: 1 (champagne at the countdown)
number of days in which I forgot to floss: 0
mobile phone minutes used: 0
money spent on frivolity: $0

Isn't it wonderful? I mean, I'm sure all of that will change in due time, but for now ... model citizen. :)

And in the spirit of New Year's Resolutions, which i am almost certainly NOT too cool to ignore, here's mine for the year, inspired by largeheartedboy, a man whom I have never met but respect enormously. 52 weeks, 52 books. Can I do it?? Why not. :) Here's the rules: they can be any book, long or short - so I'll have to choose carefully for when I know I'll more or less time. This week's book, which I started after the party last night, is Stranger in A Strange Land by Robert Heinlein (thanks to Jennifer for sending it all the way out here!) :) Has anyone else read this book? It's AMAZING! I'm taking book recommendations by the way, what do you think for next week's book? And does anyone want in on this project with me? :) I certainly don't read enough - and reading is one of those things that makes you think "man, why don't I do this more OFTEN!" when you're actually doing it, but is rather hard to make the effort to actually DO, at least for me. Reading a book doesn't fit well with our sound-bite-sized bits of information we get in this fast paced world, and to me almost seems unproductive (whatever THAT means) to sit in a chair and read a book for an hour - but then again, I'm sure all this rushing around isn't really doing me much good anyway. :) Anyway, happy new year !! My host family tells me it's the year of the dog, and that can't be bad. Enjoy!

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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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