Sunday, November 09, 2008

Tokyo Design Festa

This weekend, Ross Ilana and I went to Tokyo Design Festa, a once-a-year independent art festival held in a massive convention center called Tokyo Big Sight. In some cases you could even watch the art as it happened - this woman was body-painting a ... tiger man?

This little boy fell in love with a new robot friend - which clapped symbols and whistled to advertise the booth's art.

There was a ninja dance show!!

Children could learn how to weave at looms.

There was a teepee village.

Some sensual dance body painting ...

... and some people just sat around with animal heads on.

Just simply amazing to be able to see new, original artwork even few feet, turn a corner, and see tons more -- I believe there were between 2,000 to 3,000 artists at the show.

And oh yeah - they crowned me their mushroom king! They just pulled me into this display, I had no idea what was going on ...


Dave Gerlits said...


It looks like you had a great time.

You've always enjoyed the "Indie" scene, and this time it's the Indie art scene.

Plus, you got to be a part of one of the installations!

Life is good! - Dad

Henry said...

Yes indeed - life is good!!

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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