Sunday, October 14, 2007

I'm on vacation! Well, sort of. I'm teaching only one class per day (kids' class at 4) for the next two weeks. Any recommendations on how I should fill my time? I've been doing a lot of hiking lately, and I plan to do more in the mornings this week. Below is from a hike I took last Friday to the oreum (volcanic hill / mountain) right behind the University. It was really hard to find the path up the mountain, I had to go through an army target shooting field. You can actually see my dormitory, its one of the buildings with a reddish roof in the middle to the far right. In the distance you can see Jeju City, on the sea.

The view of Mount Halla from the same oreum.

Butterflies were everywhere.

Easily the winner of this year's "slug on a mushroom" picture award:

Hillside gravesites.

On another oreum, tall grass and Mount Halla:


Dave Gerlits said...


The slug on the mushroom looks delicious! (kidding!!!)



Bennett Baldwin said...

what should you do with your time? come up to the base and do some kp duty! haha jk. are you getting invited/going to the fulbright thanksgiving shindig? if so, forest and i need to get invited too - that would be a great time

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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