Monday, May 15, 2006


Lemme tell ya, I have a lot of fun here. At times it suprises me. :) My homestay brother Kyeong-Hwan is such a great kid, and I dare say a lifelong friend. This weekend we went to the PCbang (PC gaming cafe), where we played a really addictive game called Chaos, which is a mod of Warcraft (a Korean version of DOTA). Here's Kyeong-Hwan contemplating his imminent defeat:

But let the record show that last time, it was ME weeping in utter Warcraft ruin.

Today he saw me writing letters and getting things from my art box, so he dug around in there till he found my sticker letters. Our dog Jeong was quite pleased.

Boshintang anyone?

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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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