Sunday, November 20, 2005

So I'm teaching a lesson this week based on John Lennon's song Imagine. I'm having the kids write two sentences at the end of class: Imagine there's no ______. If there's no ________, then ____________. Most of the kids are writing "Imagine there's no tests. If there's no tests, then I will be happy." But one kid today wrote "Imagine there's no greed. If there is no greed, humans will not improve." I find it hard to express sometimes to these kids the depth of appreciation I have for answers like that. :) Especially when the boy next to him can only say, "Teacher I love you! Okay, thank you!"

1 comment:

elendil004 said...

Hey duder it's Kevin Ham, just seeing what you been up to. Heard bout you from my mom who read about you in the gazette. Shoot me a line on aim (cpthooksword) sometime duder, or e-mail love to see what you're up to in red korea :P

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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