Monday, October 17, 2005

I love my students.

So during lunch I created a little program at my school called "English Lunchtime". At the beginning of the semester students signed up to eat lunch and talk with me. Today I had lunch today with my first group of boy students, I guess my coteacher put all the guy students in the rotation towards the end. I thought middle school girls were fun, but oh no. :) They were doing their best E.T. impressions (for some reason all my students are obsessed with E.T. (the extra-terrestrial), making funny faces, whispering to me confidentially (teacher, buy me ice cream!) and lamenting their lack girlfriends (teacher, girlfriendee no!). One of the boys was a little chubby but definitely the most cheerful of them all, happily telling me that he is having a baby, actually two babies a boy and a girl, twins. He also told me about his ghost girlfriend Dong Su who then started assaulting the boys around the table (they love beating themselves up). :)
Tomorrow I'm going to the PC-bang (internet gaming cafe) with these guys, they're going to trounce me in Starcraft. For those of you who don't know, Starcraft is nearly the official game of Korea, with national leagues, its own TV station dedicated to Starcraft strategy, and expert players whose popularity borders on celebrity. Needless to say, I don't stand a chance. :)

In other news ... I bought a scooter!! I'd been thinking about it for a while and I finally made the plunge. It's only 50cc so I don't need an international license, and the bike only cost me the equivalent of US$350, and I can sell it back for US$200 at the end of the year ... net cost to me - US$150! It was a (wink) steal! Love it to death already, took it for a ride last night down to the beach under the full moon and watched some lonely fishermen on one of Jeju-do's dramatic cliffs. Picutres of scooter soon. Don't worry Mom, I'll be careful. ;)

1 comment:

Dave Gerlits said...


It sounds like you really love teaching. I'm so happy that you are doing what you love and loving what you do.

And, yes, I'm nervous that you bought a scooter and have to tell you to "be careful", but that's part of being a Dad. You would be disappointed if I didn't ;-)

I'm sure the scooter is a good choice, and you'll have fun with it.


"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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