Thursday, August 18, 2005

Homestay Day 1
Cups of green tea (nok-cha): 3-4 (they already know i love tea!)

Oh man there's so much to talk about. Got to know my coteacher really well on the way here, and we just made our flight by like 4 minutes. ;) She is easy to talk to but I think doesn't get the same humor so sometimes the subtleties of the conversation are lost. Unfortunately I don't know if she's going to be a good activity partner, she doesn't like being outside and doesn't even know how to swim ! But she does like to go to noraebang. :D Her favorite thing to say about me is "You like .... everything!" I shocked her when I said I didn't like coffee. ;) Today I'm going to my school, meeting my vice principal and having lunch, and then going to set up a bank account and get a cell phone. What a day !

My host parents are both very sweet and have made me feel welcome. The first thing they said was, "do you like dogs?" --- :) :) They have two of them, um-sheh (sp?) and jeong, both sort of pug-like mutts that are absolutely adorable. They climb all over everyone and love to bite and play and yip like the little lapdogs they are. They are so loved by the family, the father kisses them all the time. My host father likes to take photographs, watch sports and play badminton ... there's a World Cup stadium right around the corner from the house (I can see it from the balcony) and he and his friends play there every night apparently, I asked him if I could come play too. My host mother works as a cook at a nearby convention center and made the most delicious meal last night ... bulgogi, noodles, kimchi, pancakes, the works. Oh my god, amazing.

My host sister is off in Malaysia and Hong Kong right now as part of a championship English speaking contest. Looks like I'll have an interpreter when she gets back next week! My host father is a taxi driver and speaks a little English, and my host brother and I have been bonding for the last hour or so this morning over video games, and I've gotten him to talk a little too. He says things like "good gun" and "one more kill!" I can already tell we're gonna be buddies. ;) He showed me this cool first person shooter game called Gunz Duel where you get guns and swords, and right now he's playing Quake 3 in my room. Okay well, gotta go put on my first day of school outfit ... let's see if I remember how to tie a tie ... ;)

1 comment:

Dave Gerlits said...


It sounds like you are off to a good start. Your host family sounds wonderful and you really lucked out getting a chef as a host Mom!


"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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