Tuesday, April 14, 2009

off to China

Tonight, I'll be gathering my things and heading out to Boston, to the airport, for a flight to Hong Kong and then onward to southern China. To say that I'm excited would be like giving a little kid a hundred extra Christmas presents one year, and saying that he was 'pretty happy'. I'm speechless.

This past weekend was my last weekend in Boston for a little while. Since it was almost Lauren's birthday as well, we had a little pre-birthday dinner for her at Fajitas and Ritas in Boston.

The "Ritas" stands for .... margaritas. :-D

In accordance with the prophecy, we also made it down to Hong Kong (the bar in Boston, not the city...)

Totem pole!

Suzanne and Andrea invented some new kinds of dance ...

And the dancing lasted all the way to the subway station. I'll miss you guys. <3

I'll be back in Boston on August 14th, but expect quite a few posts here in the meantime. My first mission - spicy Southern Chinese cuisine! I hear they eat snake??

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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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