Thursday, February 07, 2008

back from the dead!

Well I haven't posted in a long while - almost 2 months, I guess. January ate me, unfortunately. I got food poisoning, then feverish bronchitis, all while our intensive English camps at the university were in full swing. But now I've bundled up the remaining bits of my body, sold them on eBay, and bought that brand new body I've always wanted. I'm back in action! :) Here's some other stuff that's been going on:

Nightly, Cathy transforms herself into a delightful ogress, much like Princess Fiona of Shrek fame:

We went on a little field trip to the site of Tae-wang-sa-shin-gi, a historical drama filmed on Jeju Island. Unfortunately, the rice wine had runneth dry.

Plus, I almost got bagged in a basket and sent to Marrakesh! Narrow escape.

Cathy and Mano and sparklers, New Year's 2008.

English camp dramas sometimes (often?) involve pirates, sailors, Pikachu (sans head) and dressing in drag.

Going to Thailand in 8 days!! More pictures to follow ...


Anonymous said...

January ate you..ㅋㅋㅋ

Henry said...

ㅋㅋㅋ yes ... i think i was delicious??

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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