Monday, January 01, 2007


Happy new year everyone!

It's been a great year - the best. I've been awful at keeping up with this blog, I'm planning to start posting again this year. 2007! You know how when the year changes like this, it feels really wrong when you say it, or write it? Well, somehow 2007 seems right. Like I've experienced it before, or something. Omens for a good year.

I'm drinking jasmine green tea right now, freshly bought from Peet's Coffee and Tea down the road from our apartment. Have I mentioned I love Boston? I really do.

I just started a new job last week at CIEE (Council for International Educational Exchange), and this week I'll have access to the databases and I'll start my training. Henceforth, you may refer to me as "Employer Vetting Coordinator". Don't worry, I had no idea what it was either until I looked it up. Basically, I evaluate companies to make sure they are suitable to hire Work and Travel students from other countries. The people are amazing, and it's exactly what I want - a job in the non-profit and international sector. But yeah, I miss teaching. Wish it could have been full-time!

Let's see ... what else? Recently Taehwa and Stu got into a fight, but she totally kicked his ass.

Details to follow. It's good to be back!

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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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