Monday, July 25, 2005

Sometimes the simplest things just make your day. We've been having some nasty heat waves here in Chuncheon, and today the weather broke in a downpower in late afternoon. Much to the horror of onlooking Koreans, I was totally that American guy who went jumping and skipping in the rain. A couple of Korean girls muscled me under their umbrella for a while, and then we ended up talking for a while. And then they helped me with my Korean homework. :D And then one of them sent me an email.

"Hi!~ henry.
I am very pleased to know you.
You are very kind and humorous.
Really, I want to go to Boston.
If is gone to Boston, with you, I want to spend a time.
I was pleased because can help your homework.
If I learn English to you, may be glad.
Friday, go together to eat sherbet.
Will desire that you become nice teacher.


I heart Korea.

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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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