Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My journey begins now.

I'm sitting here at my dad's Powerbook G4 at the kitchen table, my luggage is in the car ready to go, and yes - I'm drinking a cup of tea. The tea is Numi Monkey King Jasimine Green Tea, and it's delicious. I don't think I know enough tea-drinkin words to describe the subtleties, but it makes me feel like a monkey king, wooping around the forest, swinging from trees and making a monkey-king crown out of leafy greens and banana peels. I think Korea will be something like that. ;)

Anyway, it's time to head out, so the next time I post in here I'll be in KOREA !! I just want to say - thank you all for being so amazing these past few weeks. It's been harder than I thought to pack up and go, and I'll miss you all very very much. Expect some kitschy Korean souveniers in the mail as soon as I can get to a post office. Talk to all'ya'll soon ! :D

1 comment:

Dave Gerlits said...
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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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