Thursday, January 22, 2009

Haikus at Yokohama College of Commerce

I think teaching Japanese students how to write haikus in English is a little bit like teaching Americans how to compose a sonnet in Japanese. Mixed, mangled, and amazing. Here's what some of my students came up with:

"baked sweet potato
autumnal tints beautiful
looking in the park"

"Yoshimasa stands
beside blooms the sunflower
sunflower higher than he"

I told them that they might focus on traditional themes like the four seasons (to keep them from just staring at the page and claiming that they couldn't come up with any ideas) - but of course some were a lot more creative.

"the snowman is cold
he plays soccer very hard
snowman is water"

And my favorite:

"YES WE CAN for change
barak hussein obama
snowboarding is great"

That's what's hip right now at my school, in a nutshell - Obama and snowboarding.

More updates to come soon - I promise! School has been super busy lately, but I'll have more free time in the next couple weeks I think.

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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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