Monday, December 15, 2008

a weekend with Sir Bennett Baldwin

A couple weekends ago, my good buddy Ben came over from South Korea for a weekend in Japan.

We learned several important things.

1) Ben is capable of eating a helluva lot of sushi.

2) Hot dog sushi is delicious.

3) The ancient city of Kamakura (capital of Japan from 1185–1333) has a very large Buddha.

4) According to the fortune I bought at Hase-dera Temple, now is a fortuitous time to buy armor, a harness, a cow and a horse.

5) Even halfway around the world, you can still meet cool people from Boston like Mandy.

6) There is apparently a "party train". This will remain forever a mystery, we didn't board it.

Speaking of mysteries, Ben and I also went clubbing and stayed out at Roppongi all night. But we didn't bring cameras, so that story will live on only in the tales we tell our children in the years to come ... Ben, come back to Japan again soon.

1 comment:

LoveK said...

Henry you better get on buying that armour, harness, cow and whatever else it was...these things are going like hot cakes and you definately wouldn't want to miss out on your fortune if you didn't obey!!!!
Miss you buddy!

Love K

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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