Tuesday, October 07, 2008

tokyo a go go

Days are rushing by.

Last weekend, I took the train out to Mitake-san, a small mountain close to Tokyo which has a town and a Shinto shrine at its peak. Above is one of the huge guard dog statues at the foot of the shrine, with a sunset over Tokyo in the distance.

The zigzag papers below are hung on a rope to show the boundary of the sacred space. They're origami, made by Shinto priests from a single sheet of square paper.

I really like seeing the more traditional/early pictograms of kanji - Chinese characters. They mean giving something to someone higher than you.

This is a fox god, which according to one of my co-teachers here at the university is "one of the most popular gods". Go fox! There were two of them in a quiet little shrine off the main shrine area, their stares were stunning.

More zigzag papers; they're called "o-shide".

Sunset, mist, and trees.

On Friday night after work, Carrie, Ross and I went out and had a beer in an izakaya (traditional Japanese bar), and they had these giant beers that made us feel like hobbits. First week of work ... kam-pai!!

1 comment:

Dave Gerlits said...

Henry - I love your photos. You're a very talented photographer. And I'm glad you are enjoying your time in Japan. Love, Dad

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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