Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So we sing these songs at camp. They're super cheesy, and we have these choreographed dances to them, but I realized as I was dancing and laughing with the kids tonight that I actually *like* all of this campy silliness. Shhh ... don't tell anyone. ;) Our dances are way better, but check out these videos and you'll get the idea. Imagine these blaring out of huge speakers at 7:30 AM as the kids line up outside in Korean monsoon rains to eat rice and kimchi for breakfast. Worlds collide.


Shadowoflight said...

OMG I love the Tarzan and Jane song. Boy George! Damn I think I need to go to camp in Korea :)

Jess said...

HAHAHAHA. .. I'll only tell everyone. Damn that Tarzan song is stuck in my head now.

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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