Thursday, January 12, 2006

Gyeongju, South Korea

I'm here in the ancient Shilla capital, taking in some Buddhist history. Wish I could relate everything here, but here are some highlights. :)

-conversations about Buddhist philosophy over tea and vegetarian Korean food with the friendliest businessman on Earth named Mr. Lee
-drinking tea in a shop in Insadong and wishing there was time enough in the world to see every place just like this
-eating Reese's and cheese (not together though, gross) at the army base in Seoul, and partying to Bob Dylan and Rock and Roll Circus on a tiny DVD player
-listening to music and staring out of the windows of trains at rural Korean countryside
-receiving a calligraphy scroll from a smiling Confucian man at the Andong Folk Village museum
-wandering around Mt. Namsan, finding hidden Buddhist relics on nearly every cliff-face, lighting incense in front of Buddhas carved out of rock on the mountainside, and eating lunch on one Buddha's head :)
-lunchtime and dinnertime conversations with Jennifer about travelling, who we are, what we experience, and uhh ... mystery science theatre.

I hope that's a healthy cross-section. :) Gotta run, catching an early morning train back to Seoul! Temple stay this weekend ...

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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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