Thursday, June 30, 2005

Every night after dinner, if I go outside, I can hear what sounds like Italian opera from my neighbor's backyard. Tonight I was finishing up some landscaping in the yard for my parents, and I felt myself getting lost in it, this strange anti-suburban melody mixing up my after-dinner routines and throwing me headlong into the crescendo of a dramatic movie.  Posted by Picasa

My emotions have been all over the place these past few days, and I think most of my problem is that in being home, I can't see anything past my own nose. I need something as simple as incomprehensible opera to drag me out of my own head. I've been doing nothing but making packing lists and saying goodbye (annyonghi kyeseyo! ^_^) to everyone, and I don't really stop to realize why I'm doing all of this. I'm going to Korea in 5 days. And when I really think about it, there's nothing else I'd rather be doing, for real. Those words hold a power I've never felt before in my life. I'm doing exactly what I'd like to do, if I could do anything in the world. :) Posted by Picasa

I've been drinking a tea called Bija, and I'm too lazy to google it right now, it's almost time for bed. ;) But I'll say this - it's the only tea that I need to take the teabag out after a few minutes. I like my tea strong, and this one's the richest I've ever tasted. Here's to richness! Anyhow, hope you guys like that one of Kristin, the Pink Crusader. That's me and Becca, and Elisabeth (those are prescription, believe it or not!) ... thanks again for an awesome party last weekend, guys :)  Posted by Picasa

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"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." ~ Joseph Campbell

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